The father waited for the full impact to sink in, then quietly took the boy's plate and
placed it in front of himself. He took his own plate of meat and potatoes, put it in front
of the boy, and smiled at his son. When that boy grew to be a man, he said, "All my
life I've known what God is like by what my father did that night."
The punishment that we were supposed to suffer, Lord Jesus Christ took it upon himself. The blessings that God, the Father has promised his only begotten, beloved son Jesus has been now given to us through the mighty sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary!!
How many of us realize that it is our plate that was supposed to be empty? How many of us feel the love and grace of our Lord God in the Salvation plan? The Father's love is seen clearly when He sent His only Son Jesus to save this mankind. Do we dare doubt it?

Amen!! Hallelujah!!
By Carolyn Thomas
Yeshoowa ministries
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