Friday, 1 February 2013

Revive your Soul

             The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple…Ps 19:1

Here the bible says that the law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul. Why does our soul need to be revived? It is said here in the meaning of converting our soul that is turning back our soul to our Lord.

3 John verse 2 says,

         Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

Hence it is intended that our soul prospers and does good. That is the original plan of God but the worries of the world and cares of our future have let the soul within us faint and even die at times.

No one can make the soul to rejoice or can revive the soul in this world. We may be comforted for a while by our friends or relatives or pastors but the eternal comforting or reviving comes from the word of God alone. That’s why it says here that the law which is the word of our Lord is perfect; reviving the soul meaning law of the Lord is perfect converting our faint or dying soul towards our once prosperous state. That is the original plan of our God to keep us in a state of prosperity. How we prosper on the outside all completely depends on how our soul prospers within us.

The more and more you dwell in the word of the Lord, the more and more our soul within us starts to revive. It begins to convert back to its original state how God planned. Once our soul is restored, revived, converted back to the Lord we can see the good health and all concerning us go well.

Hence I urge you to feed on the word of the Lord to feed your soul so that it prospers and not fill your thoughts with the worldly worries and cares to put it down.

Amen! Hallelujah!!

by Mrs Carolyn Thomas
Yeshoowa Ministries

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