Thursday, 21 February 2013

A lighter moment!!

    Laugh time!!

  • Goliath's Grief
             Why was Goliath so surprised when David hit him with a stone? Because nothing like this had ever entered his mind before.

  • A Sunday School teacher had just concluded her lesson and wanted to make sure she had made her point. She said, “Can anyone tell me what you must do before you can obtain forgiveness of sin?”

          There was a short pause and then, from the back of the room, a small boy spoke up. "Sin," he said.

  •  A Minister was walking down the street when he came upon a group of about a dozen boys, all of them between 10 and 12 years of age.
      The group had surrounded a dog. Concerned lest the boys were hurting the dog, he went over and asked "What are you doing with that dog?"
      One of the boys replied, "This dog is just an old neighborhood stray. We all want him, but only one of us can take him home. So we've decided that whichever one of us can tell the biggest lie will get to keep the dog."
      Of course, the reverend was taken aback. "You boys shouldn't be having a contest telling lies!" he exclaimed. He then launched into a ten minute sermon against lying, beginning, "Don't you boys know it's a sin to lie," and ending with, "Why, when I was your age, I never told a lie."
      There was dead silence for about a minute. Just as the reverend was beginning to think he'd gotten through to them, the smallest boy gave a deep sigh and said, "All right, give him the dog."


The jokes are not intended to offend anyone. Just to have a lighter moment is the idea!! I apologize if this has offended anyone.  

Carolyn Thomas


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