Jacob, an interesting character in the bible. A man who had seen both the shores meaning had been a deceiver and was later deceived. A person who knew what it is to be like both. God's blessing was that the older will serve the younger about Esau and Jacob when they were in Rebekah's womb. Yet the anxiety and the fear that God's word may not come to pass which is actually unbelief, made him to deceive. Rebekah too was so anxious to fulfill God's word in her own strength that she decided to put Jacob in place of Esau and take the curse if any.
If God had said that the older will serve the younger then it would be so no matter what. But the situation seemed otherwise. There was in no way Jacob could be blessed above Esau since Jacob was younger and as per rules of the world and as per the rights of the first born, Esau was to be blessed double portion. Also he was liked by Isaac more than Jacob so it was obvious that Esau would inherit the blessings of the first born without any doubt. There was no chance that Jacob would be above Esau. But what would happen to God's promise? God's words cannot lie. How can we let that happen? We need to make God's word come to pass in our strength even if we have to take in the curse. That was the thought of Rebekah.
Do you think God's word wouldn't have come to pass without intervention of Rebekah or Jacob's betrayal of Esau? God would definitely have changed the situation and turned the events so that Jacob would have received the blessing of the first born and his word that the older will serve the younger would have happened without all these running around and getting deceived for Jacob. In God's time and in God's plan all things would have happened smoothly and effortlessly. All the 20 yrs Jacob had to work for Laban wouldn't have happened.
Friends, is there anything God has promised to you and you feel it cannot happen since the situation seems so? Do not fear, do not panic, do not try anything in your strength to make it to happen. There is a God almighty who knows what should happen when and how. He will make it all happen so beautifully in his own time not in your time according to his perfect will and not yours. When He makes it happen everything will be perfect in our lives.
So wait upon the Lord for his will to come to pass and be still and know that he is God!!
Amen! Hallelujah!!
By Carolyn Thomas
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